Wowlaulau - Web Design and Sundries |
© 2005- 2024 by Tracey Nakamura & Wowlaulau. All rights reserved.

I'm Wow Laulau     Wowlaulau
in association with


I am a slightly grouchy Web-Something-Or-Other (i.e. Web-Designer, -Developer, -Architect, -whatever the industry now names me).

Of course, every professional Web-Something-Or-Other must have their own website or else they will look totally lame. I have created mine mainly as a repository of stuff I can access from anywhere, so yes, it is a total mishmash of junk. There's really no rhyme or reason except that I want it there.

Irrelevant rant:
"But wait," some of you knowledgeable web folks might say. "Why are your colors non-web safe? Why are you horribly mixing style sheets and table layout? Why does XYZ work in Gondor but not Chulak?" Well, while my professional sites are carefully coded and tested, I get to slap up anything here in whatever lame way I choose and go back later and fix it...maybe. Woohoo.